Crazy Bulk Reviews

Crazy Bulk Reviews

In-Depth Crazy Bulk Review

In this fast paced life and time, there is a heavy weight on us to pull ourselves through with a healthy regime.

Not only do we have to contain what we eat or not, we also have to struggle to find a right diet balance to maintain lean muscle build, which more often than not is a tedious task to achieve.

I have tried everything, but nothing worked

You have had your homework, and you tried each and every formula in the book to gain that mean mass muscle and libido, but have been unsuccessful in doing so.

What solution do I have?

The most apt and general solution you can find is to look for a steroid to help you gain muscle mass.

Aren’t steroids unhealthy?

Yes, they are! But what if you can get results that are similar to those which steroids produce only without negative impact on your health?

It is possible thanks to so called legal steroids, completely safe an natural supplements which provide steroid-like results.

With a deep and insightful study on all the frontiers, reviewing hundreds of legal steroid supplements, I have zeroed in Crazy Bulk, a credible product line which completely fits the bill as per your requirement.

What is Crazy Bulk?

Crazy Bulk is a RX grade legal steroid supplements which build mass and muscle, with no-side effect at all.

And they are 100% natural and legal. These products have been rated as the most credible and trustworthy fitness resource.

The most trust-able supplier of legal steroid has proven to be a retreat for thousands of people who have gained desirable body build in a quick time period.

Why should I use only Crazy Bulk and not any other steroid supplements?

Off course, there is a range of steroids which falls in the same health diction as Crazy Bulk. Google your search and you will get a list of tons of products.

Crazy Bulk Reviews

But what makes Crazy Bulk better than others is that this steroid is a combination of quality supplements, not found completely in other resources. The notable benefits which makes it superior than others are:

100% legal bodybuilding ingredients
✅ Pharmaceutical grade muscle gaining supplements
You can easily access the detailed info on steroid cycles
✅ Clinically proven
Quite Fast Results
✅ No-side effect
No prescription required
✅ Oral intake – no injection intake needed
Proven success
✅ Formulated and manufactured in Crazy Bulk facility in the USA
Rigorous product testing under strict regulations

Crazy Bulk Reviews – Supplements

I will be going over all of the different supplements that are on offer at the official Crazy Bulk Website. There are quite a few of them and they are good for all body types and are all designed to achieve your own personal results.

So what I will do is list all the different ones available and then give you a quick rundown on what each one does and the type of person that may need to use that particular supplement.


D-Bal is one of the most spelled legal steroids known among the bodybuilders. The product is basically based on the effects of Methandrostenolone 1 and manufactured by Crazy Bulk.

It is also known as Dianabol in many parts of the world, considered the most ultimate form of the steroid.

By enhancing Nitrogen retention ability, D-Bal develops the ultimate anabolic state that is essential for greater muscle growth, in the minimal possible time frame.

Consumption of D-Bal develops the ability of the muscle tissues to retain nitrogen.


This is crucial as Nitrogen is considered the most important building blocks of protein.

More the amount of Nitrogen the human body contain, greater are the amount of protein the cells build.

And, greater protein synthesis is an essential requirement for all those who train hard for muscle building.

Moreover, being a legal steroid, DBal or DIANABOL is absolutely safe, and free of any side effect.

This supplement will help you gain weight and increase the maximum body mass.

It will increase your strength, so you in turn get more out of your workouts therefore this also aids with the muscle mass gains.

In short, D-Bal will give your muscle the strength kick up the back side that they need to push through peek and increase muscle gains in a big way.

Here are the essentials about D-Bal:

It’s a Safe and Legal alternative to Dianabol
✅ It will enhance your Nitrogen retention
You will have massive muscle mass gains
✅ Increase your overall motivation and focus especially through workouts
Massive increases in your strength and endurance
✅ This supplement is very fast acting so results come sooner

Anvarol (Anavar)

Anvarol is a popular legal steroid supplement today as it is effective even from the contemporary lifestyle point of views.

This is basically the legal edition of Oxandrolone 2 , which is an anabolic steroid that holds maximum chances for various side effects in the body of the person who takes it.

The body builders who emphasize on cutting can find this product more relevant. This is so as it contains ingredients that are inclined towards fat burning.

AnvarolAt the same time, Anvarol is equally excellent when it comes to the maintenance of lean muscle mass as well. And the best thing is, it can be used by both men and women.

Anvarol has the ability to really get you cut up and looking ripped for summer. It will improve your strength and endurance as well.

It has the ability to increase energy which in turn improves the level of each and every workout.

In short, Anvarol is a supplement that will have you looking ripped really fast and is one of the most popular supplements for getting a six pack defined.

Here are the essentials about Anvarol:

Gives you explosive power and strength
✅ It will improve your muscle hardness and density
Enhances Vascularity
✅ Great for developing Lean muscle when cutting up.

If your daily lifestyle recommends you to have leaner muscle, then Anvarol is the perfect suggestion to go with.


Trenorol is one of the most popular legal steroids among novice bodybuilders. Not just muscle bulking, this is an incredible product for getting the right cuts as well.

Consistent intake of Trenorol helps the person in gaining muscle mass, as well as improves the core strength of the person. To be specific, the product is incredible for the beginners who are into weight lifting world.

It works great in terms of muscle stimulation that ultimately results into significant nitrogen retention.

Greater Nitrogen content indicates greater protein, which will be taken in to account for burning the body fats while doing the workouts.

TrenorolAt the same time, Trenorol is also great for improving the red blood cell count in the body.

Red blood cell is important for the greater development of veins in the body, without much of water retention.

Those who are interested more in just burning the fat at minimal workout can find this a great product.

This Crazy Bulk supplement has been spoken about widely as being one of the fastest acting supplements available. It helps with improving fast mass gains, endures, stamina and is great for conditioning

The ingredients in Trenorol will give you the pump that you have been looking for with absolutely no side effects at all. The power increases and endurance will improve your workouts 10 fold.

The supplement is great for helping you max out at the gym to ensure you push through each and every lift. This will greatly improve your mass gains and the lean muscle will pour on.

Here are the essentials about Trenorol:

Give you fast Mega Muscle Mass Gains
✅ Hardens and improves muscle density.
Helps shred fat without losing mass size
✅ Super for strength and endurance.
Amazing for physical conditioning

Anadrole (ANADROL)

Anadrole is highly preferred legal steroid product among the bodybuilders, athletes, etc, for its greater benefit at zero side effects, in most cases.

Consistent intake of the product is sure to deliver the outcome. This can be equally excellent for the beginners as well as the experts in body building arena.

Apart from improving muscle power, it is effective enough in boosting inner stamina and bulking up as well.

AnadroleThe best part, the product starts showing result only within 1 to 2 months time, being taken in a consistent fashion.

Anadrole is also the legal steroid online that improves the red blood cell count in the body. It thus helps in facilitating various advantageous physiological reactions happening inside the body.

As a result, you can improve repetition, efficiency and time of the workout. Apart from boosting core strength, this is an ideal product as well for quicker muscle recovery.

This supplement is mainly used in conjunction with some of the others to help in building bulk and anabolic state. The strength that you will get from this is by far all you need when it comes to super human strength for your workouts.

This will enable your muscle tissues to repair and grow a lot faster than naturally found in all other supplements.

By using this you will find that the gains will be kick started very quickly as its main purpose is to improve your gains and helps a lot when you reach a peak in your growth that you need to push through.

Here are the essentials about Anadrole:

Increases in muscle mass that’s very fast acting
✅ Improves strength and increases stamina
Improves tissue repair and recovery
✅ Results within 1-2 months guaranteed

Testo-Max (SUSTANON)

As the name suggests, this is a fantastic product for boosting the testosterone level among men. Needless is to mention that testosterone is the most crucial hormone for men. TestoMax is considered traditionally the most recommended product which are produced by Crazy Bulk.

Especially, the veterans in body building arena would always suggest this product. The best part about Testo-Max is its ability to boost the testosterone level in the male body in a quite natural fashion.


Enhancing the testosterone level within the body, the product gives encouraging results in terms of increasing muscle mass, making the person energetic, and boosting his performance.

This can be a nice recommendation for the beginners as well or those who find it a bit difficult to lift up their performance level.

At the same time, the product is incredible for improved muscle recovery, and being absolutely safe.

This will also greatly improve your endurance and strength. The testosterone boosting properties of this supplement will give you monster gains and super human strength as well.

It is the godfather of all anabolic steroids and broken down to be legal, safe and far more effective than any of the illegal ones that are out there.

Here are the essentials about Testo Max:

Increase muscle mass and you have monster gains
✅ Recovery is faster and work out intensity is increases
Fast acting and fast results
✅ The only natural steroid that mimics the testosterone building blocks
Greatly improves stamina and strength


This is one is well-liked by the professionals who have been in body building process for a long time.

Decaduro has been distinguishing in comparison with the others through its greater protein synthesis rate. Naturally thus, the product can enhance the process of underneath muscle growth in a better fashion than the others.

Protein synthesis matters for the athletes, especially for those who workout regularly, as this is the process through which the body uses proteins from the food, drinks, and other supplements essential for building muscle.

DecaduroDecaduro hastens the process of this protein synthesis, thus hastening the muscle building process.

At the same time, Decaduro has been excellent in terms of its Nitrogen retention as well.

This is another great supplement that when used in conjunction with some of the other Crazy Bulk supplements will greatly improve size, endurance and strength.

Decaduro is great for both bulking and cutting with some of the fastest acting recovery nutrients available.

This also will help with the relief of ankle, joint and bone pain. It has active ingredients that aids in the relief and recovery of all joints and improves the recovery of all muscle tissue which increases gains and shortens the recovery time so your workouts can be more intense and more regular.

Here are the essentials about Decaduro:

Gives you explosive strength and power
✅ Supports and promotes massive muscle gains
Helps in the recovery of all joints and muscle tissue plus tendon recovery
✅ Preserves lean muscle while maintaining muscle gains and mass
Fast results – it will give you gains of 20lb or more after a month or so


HGH-X2 Somatropinne is a great product for the bodybuilders, and one of the fantastic HGH releasers. It has been strategically formulated to activate your pituitary gland for releasing greater amounts of Human Growth Hormone into the bloodstream.

No matter your priority is to have lean muscle, bulk muscle, or fat loss, this product optimizes the process and gives the quality output in minimal time. At the same time, the recovery time of the product is quite faster as well.

Helping in natural synthesis of HGH in the body through the pituitary gland, the product results into greater muscle growth, improves protein production rate, and also improves the process of body fat burning.

HGH-X2This is a must recommended product for those who have to workout with growing age, as HGH level naturally gets lower as the person grows with age.

However, HGH-X2 maintains Human Growth Hormone synthesis by stimulating the particular amino acids, which stimulate the HGH release.

HGH-X2 will help you get over that edge where you have stopped growing and need the extra push to get the gains that you need.

It also will aid in the recovery time therefore increasing the ability to recover faster and increase your intensity with each workout.

Not only will it do that but it will also maintain weight loss through stripping unwanted fat and also maintains muscle mass and lean muscle growth.

Here are the essentials about HGH – X2:

Helps with the development of quality lean muscle growth
✅ Improves recovery time therefore the repairing process on muscle tissue is increased
It’s a very powerful fat reduction supplement
✅ This will also increase the muscle to fat ratio

Clenbutrol (CLENBUTEROL)

Clenbutrol is another well-known legal steroid manufactured by Crazy Bulk. Interestingly, this product is quite known among people who are more interested in burning the excess fats or building the lean muscle, equivalently as of people who want the nicely bulked up muscle.

However, what makes Clenbutrol more distinguishing and effective is the fact that it enhances the oxygen flow rate. As a result, the person feels energetic and rejuvenated to do more intense workouts.

Hence, it is always a nice recommendation for those people who do intense workouts for maintaining the longevity.

ClenbutrolBeing thermogenic, the product increases the inner body temperature of the humans. Through the process, the basic metabolism rate increases in a significant fashion.

With growing Basic Metabolism rate, it is natural for the body to release the stored fat and to use it as a source of energy. It also involves zero side effects.

This supplement will improve the lean muscle development and helps burn unwanted fats.

Clenbutrol is one of the most important supplements for cutting up and getting ripped while maintaining muscle mass.

So lean muscle retention and recovery in the lean muscles within the area that has just been worked out. It targets individual muscles to give the fastest recovery times available.

Here are the essentials about Clenbutrol :

Very good for fat burning
✅ Helps get you ripped and cut up
Helps preserve lean muscle mass while cutting
✅ Greatly improves performance with each and every workout due to the extra strength, endurance and recovery processes.

Winsol (Winstrol)

Winsol is a trending name among the hardcore muscle builders in modern times. This is considered the perfect replacement of Winstrol, which is an anabolic steroid that involves a wide range of side effects.

However, this legal form called Winsol is absolutely free from any such threats. Winsol has been excellent in terms of providing a leaner muscle with the best shape to the regular user.

However, it is equally important at the same time to consume Winsol along with right the proper diet, along with sufficient workouts.

WinsolTo be specific, you should focus on an intake of protein rich diets for a quicker outcome.

Winsol is more beneficial as a product for those who are interested in greatly shaped muscles.

This supplement is the main supplement when it comes to shape your body, it will also help with muscle increases both in mass and hardness.

Not only does it do that but it also increases performance with each and every workout.

This helps with lean muscle retention which is very important to help gains in lean muscle as this will also help improve the cutting process.

This is a sculpting supplement that will give you the extra power and endurance that you really need.

Here are the essentials about Winsol:

Extraordinary strength and endurance
✅ Enhances Vascularity
Helps get you ripped and cut up for the beach
✅ Improves and enhances lean muscle mass while still stripping unwanted fat
Get you the rock hard defined muscles that you are after


NO2-MAX is one of the most optimized products with the most influential pharmaceutical ingredients. This NO2 boosting product has been formulated for improving the blood flow rate and to enhance the oxygen circulation within the body, especially when you do workouts.

This is so as the product improves the Nitric Oxide level to the maximum. As a result, the user can quickly experience positive results, in terms of greater energy and stamina.

No2MaxAt the same time, the muscle recovery rate also improves greatly if you take this Crazy Bulk supplement regularly.

With greater energy and stamina, you will feel more pumped to work harder.

There so many good points associated with the product that makes it extremely effective.

Be it about enhancing the performance, quicker recovery, or the assurance of zero side effects, it holds all good characteristic.

Here are the essentials about NO2-MAX:

More Strength For Dynamite Workouts
✅ More Energy For Electrifying Pumps
Better Endurance
✅ Faster Recovery
Maximized Performance

Performance Probiotic

Performance Probiotic is an excellent product for the athletes, weight lifters, or those who are training hard for muscle mass growth.

There are many comprehensive advantages associated with the product that makes it the most distinguishing in comparison with the other product of its range.

Performance ProbioticFirst of all, the product improves the digestive system functions. As a result, your appetite for protein consumption is much bigger.

Hence, the users of this product should make sure that they take proper protein diet, drinks, and workout regularly.

At the same time, Performance Probiotic improves the immune system if consumed consistently.

Therefore, Performance Probiotic is meant to improve your overall health and make it possible for you to give your maximum every time.

Here are the essentials about Performance Probiotic:

Improve Your Digestive Health
✅ Boost Your Immune System
Get Better General Health
✅ Take The Most Out Of Your Diet For Maximum Gains!

So that’s the basic main supplements that you can get at the Crazy Bulk shop, these are the core supplements which I felt were the most important ones to go over on this Crazy Bulk Reviews presentation.

There are also complete packs and stacks that you can use depending on the outcome that you want and I find them more useful than using any of the products alone.

Crazy Bulk Stacks For You

If you are a serious bodybuilder, athlete or just someone serious about your weight training, this is the best offer you must bag.

These packages enable you to experience optimal results through the top notch products within it. And at the same time you can enjoy big savings since you are buying in bulk.

No matter if you want more lean muscle or bulked muscle, these packages are definitely going to have something for you.

Crazy Bulk Stacks

Crazy Bulk stack are made by the experts with immense practical experience under their belt. It means the outcome is quite guaranteed. Moreover, each product within the package is made of natural substances, so you won’t experience negative effects while improving your bodybuilding routine.

No matter if you are beginner or expert, you can find the appropriate stack for you.

See below for the different stacks and which on you may need to use.

Stack 1 – Bulking Stack

This is the stack that I personally use and I find it has given me the best results that I have ever had.

This is what I did, I picked this stack as I thought it would help me the most with muscle mass and weight gain.

Rather than trying to become an expert and understand how to mix and match the different supplement I simple just ordered a supplement stack which came with everything that I would need.

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack

It comes with: D-Bal, Testo-Max, DecaDuro,Trenorol, and FREE Bulking Guide.

These are the main supplements that you need to make the maximum results when it comes to bulking up.

These products give you more muscle mass and strength. It has been observed that an eight week course of the Bulking Stack can provide Mass Gain of 20-30 lbs.

Stack 2 – Cutting Stack

This is the stack that you need to use if your main goal is to get cut up and ripped, the results that you see with this will take as little as 30 days to start to see some incredible results.

This stack helps users to achieve a chiseled look and also to lose significant amount of weight.

It ensures that the user can gain strength and energy and retain mean muscle mass while achieving a considerable decrease in body fat.

It has been observed that an eight week course of the Crazy Mass Cutting Stack shows visible increase in Lean Muscle and decrease in Body Fat.

CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

It comes with: Anvarol, Testo-Max, Winsol, Clenbutrol, and FREE Cutting Guide.

With very fast results and great endurance plus the extra energy you will feel and look great ready for the beach this summer.

Stack 3 – Strength Stack

This particular stack of supplements has been designed to aid the high performance athlete with increases in strength and endurance.

This stack is designed to give you the edge over the competition and really push through each and every workout with some amazing increases in strength and endurance.

CrazyBulk Strength Stack

It comes with: Testo-Max, Trenorol, Anvarol, D-Bal, and FREE Strength Guide.

It has been observed that an eight week course of the Strength Stack can result in an increase in strength of about 20 to 30% leading to faster recovery time and more energy to maximize your workout sessions.

Stack 4 – Growth Hormone Stack

The growth hormone stack is made up of supplements to give you that boost in natural hormone production. It is a must have for those that have high demands on their training and that extra energy is needed to push through.

CrazyBulk Growth Hormone Stack

It comes with: HGH-X2, DecaDuro, D-Bal , Testo-Max and Clenbutrol.

This supplement stack will give you the edge that you need to push through and get the very most from each and every work out.

Stack 5 – The Ultimate Stack

This is called the Ultimate Stack for a reason, it’ so packed with everything for maximum all round results. if you want the complete package then the Ultimate Stack is the way to go for sure.

This is the very best of all the stacks, you will see great gains in mass, endurance, stamina, overall health, muscle hardness, tone.

Ultimate Stack by Crazy Bulk

It comes with: D-Bal, Testo-Max, DecaDuro,Trenorol, Clenbutrol, and Anadrole.

You will become ripped and have the energy that you always needed. This is the way to go for anyone that needs all round results and fast.

So as you can see there are tons of different supplements all designed to take care of any requirements you may have.

Is The Crazy Bulk Company Legit?

Well this answer will be fairly short because the quick answer to the question whether Crazy Bulk is a legit company is YES.

I have done a little research into the company and found out that they are actually the No 1 Manufacturer and supplier of legal steroids.

They have been producing high quality product for many years and are fully FDA compliant with no issues ever found.

The success ratio of their clients is also one of the highest you will ever find.

Crazy Bulk Testimonials

All the products that Crazy Bulk produces are shipped straight from their lab so this limits any tampering or damage to the product occurring.

By doing this they are able to offer a high quality product that is sealed in their labs after rigorous testing and then it is sent straight to you in a discrete and very fast fashion.

So to finish off, Crazy Bulk is one of the safest and most legit supplement companies around. You can rest assured that if you start using the Crazy Bulk product range you will see all the benefits and no side effects at all.

Crazy Bulk FAQ’s

I have decided to put up the most common questions that have been asked and some of the ones that I noticed multiple people have been asking.

If you still have any questions after reading this that you would like answered then simply contact me and I will add them in to this post.

Q – Are Crazy Bulk Products Legal?
A – Yes – Crazy Bulk supplements are 100% legal steroid alternatives.

Q – Do I need to get a prescription to order the Crazy Bulk Product/Supplements?
A – NO. All of the Crazy Bulk product ranges do not require a prescription at all.

Q – Is the delivery going to be discrete?
A – YES. All Crazy Bulk products will be sent to you with 100% privacy guaranteed.

Q – How long before the products start to work and I see results?
A – If you maintain a good diet and a proper exercise regime designed for your particular needs it will take up to 3 weeks to see the initial results and in some cases it can take up to 4 weeks for the results to be obvious.

Q – Are there any side effects when using the Crazy Bulk supplements?
A – No there are no side effects at all because all of the products are 100% natural, so in effect you get all of the benefits and no nasty side effects at all.

Q – Can everybody use it?
A – As it is made with legal and FDA approved ingredientss, under strict testing and regulations; Crazy Bulk is completely safe and usable for all. If you are looking to build on your muscle mass build, you are ready to use this muscle build supplement, right away.

Q – Where are all of the product manufactured and shipped from?
A – All of the supplements are made in the United States in a state of the art facility, The facility is cGMP Certified and has a yearly visit and inspection from the FDA and has passed every inspection.

Remember to continue reading on to see all the pro’s, con’s and my final recommendations. I do hope that you are enjoying this Crazy Bulk review so far.

Crazy Bulk Reviews – Cons

For the sake of this review on Crazy Bulk and their product range I have been able to come up with a couple of things that did disappoint me a little. Now these really are not that big of a deal and you may not find them to be annoying at all it’s just my personal thoughts.

User must take protein rich diet
❌ It demands rigorous workout, regularly.
Must stick to requisite dosage to avoid the negative effect

However, the only real thing that actually bothers me is the fact that to get the most out of using supplement you need to use around three different types to make the most gains and achieve your goals.

So it does work out to be cheaper to buy the stack that is complete with everything you need. My complaint is that it would be good to just be able to use 1 type rather than three or four.

Crazy Bulk Supplement – Pros

To kick off I would like to say one of the biggest pro’s for me was the price and not only that but you would get a free bottle every time you ordered 2 which make the value great.

The actual products work and have given me some great personal gains, after trying many others I can say that the Crazy Bulk supplements have been the best.

Crazy Bulk Reviews Body Building

The fact they are safe and been tested makes them great products unlike some of the others that are not even tested.

The combination of the most authentic quality ingredients
✅ Zero side effects
Each product delivers results
✅ Formulated under most optimized condition.
Best possible price for the ultimate quality

I like that you have to take tablets and they aren’t huge so it makes taking them a breeze. I always hated taking powders that make you feel bloated.

I also really enjoyed the good effects which were mainly that it made me feel energized and strong. They don’t interrupt with your sleeping either.

Another really important fact for me is that the Crazy Bulk company is a very reputable and with great reviews.

Finally the fast and private delivery of the product was incredible and the best part is that the postage and delivery was completely free.

So when it comes to good stuff about the Crazy Bulk supplements I could have gone on and on with other things that I personally found to be really good about these products but I thought I would just keep it to the very best of those things that stood out to me.

Crazy Bulk Reviews – My Recommendation

To this point I hope that I have helped inform you as much as possible about these bodybuilding supplements and company called Crazy Bulk.

The Crazy Bulk Product range is by far the very best out there, not to be biased against other products on the market, but I personally have only had success using their products and I can tell you that I have tried quite a number of different ones.

If you are under weight or just want to add more stamina to your work outs because you wish to gain muscle or cut up then I would recommend that you give the Crazy Bulk supplements range a try.

Their products are 100% safe and legal steroid alternatives.

No doubt, each of the products mentioned over here is qualitatively best in their realm. But, if it is asked to pick only one, then D-Bal or Dianabol would be the best pick.

This is so as this product hardly involves any negative feedback. You will only hear about the positive sides.

Nitrogen boosting capacity of D-Bal is just incomparable. If you want to develop muscle in minimal time, there can’t really be a better product than D-Bal.

Moreover, it improves the Nitrogen retention of the tissues in a natural fashion. Nitrogen being one of the crucial building blocks of protein is obvious to help the body in greater protein synthesis.

Crazy Bulk Before And After

But as I already said, all Crazy Bulk products are the top-grade and prescription-free legal muscle building supplements.

When taken as per instructions and in combination with proper diet, rest and exercise these pills provide results in a very short period of time.

Strong fast-growing muscle mass
✅ Increased stamina
Electrifying energy levels

Crazy Bulk supplements are made of 100% natural ingredients and there has not been any report of side effect yet.

Some other steroids have had user reviews claiming disasters that could be as serious as impotency, cardiovascular troubles; or unwanted like mood swings and acne – but Crazy Bulk reviews are all happy reviews.

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